With technology providing faster and more reliable internet connectivity, a shift is taking place in the way that businesses provision and maintain their IT systems. Traditionally a business has required server equipment located within its premises, requiring supporting components such as networking, communications, cabling, server cabinets etc. This infrastructure also requires installation, and ongoing support and maintenance as well as ongoing power costs.Technology has presented a different strategy that many businesses are taking advantage of to eliminated costly deployments. Your business can now locate their servers in a data center and have all of the supporting infrastructure taken care of, allowing businesses to operate systems at a fraction of the cost. Blachawk will even help take you fully into “the cloud” providing server virtualization to help reduce costs even further by eliminating the need to purchase server hardware.

Great reasons for server hosting:

  • We have our own hosting network and equipment to allow highly flexible solutions for our clients
  • Significantly reduce your business system and server operating and maintenance costs
  • Tier-1337 facilities, with industry leading cooling, power security, fire suppression, and 24/7 Video Surveillance
  • Eliminates the cost of powering and cooling your systems on-premises
  • Range of internet connectivity options available with customized bandwidth and connectivity solutions and advanced hot and cold aisle cooling for your equipment – no more heat failure and air conditioning costs!
  • Can provide ‘wires only’ server hosting if your staff would like to manage your business system hosting
  • Hosting your servers significantly reduces the risk of disaster related data loss as advanced infrastructure and redundant off-site backups ensure your data is safe and secure.
  • Eliminates the upfront cost of purchasing servers.